The Kiwanis Club of Orcas Island is proud to welcome new members and confirm new officers to take leadership of the organization. It is with deep gratitude that we say goodbye to retiring members, Mark & Irene McKinley and Bob Foulk, and thank them for their service. “We understand the changing needs of today’s busy volunteers, and encourage members to give time when they can, whether that’s at a service project or at a meeting,” said Velma Doty, President. “We hope that men and women of all ages will join us and help make a difference for
children in our community.”

New club officers from Left to Right: Chad Kimple (vice president), Dianna Hoffman (treasurer),
Vicky Thalacker (Lieutenant Governor), Vala Walker (secretary), Velma Doty (president). 

Velma continues to serve as president, preserving tradition and guiding new members to follow club values. During the club’s meeting on October 22 nd , the following officers were installed by Lieutenant Governor, Vicky Thalacker, who joined in person from Friday Harbor. The new slate of officers includes: vice president Chad Kimple, treasurer Dianna Hoffman and secretary Vala Walker. Also joining the club’s board of directors are Lynsey Smith, Mathew Chasanoff, Tyrus Walker, Kiki Coe, Gerry Baker and Samara Young. This new influx of members has put Orcas Island Kiwanis in the #1 position for new members and percentage of growth out of 271 clubs in the Pacific Northwest District. Kiwanis International has responded to Covid-19 by offering to waive membership dues for all new members until the end of the year. There has never been a better time to join!

The Kiwanis Club of Orcas Island supports community projects that enrich and support the youth of Orcas Island. The club raises money for youth projects, with an emphasis on granting scholarships to high school seniors and early learning providers within our community. “Kids need Kiwanis, in our community and in communities around the world,” said Vala, Secretary. “Our club believes in children and wants to provide all kids with an opportunity to thrive, prosper and grow. Kiwanis clubs also provide a great opportunity to meet new friends who believe in serving their communities, networking with business professionals and making a significant impact on the community through volunteering.”

The Kiwanis Club of Orcas Island is thrilled to participate in this year’s Trick-or-Treating in Eastsound and will host games in the Village Green on Halloween. Covid-19 has impacted many
aspects of life on the island and within the club, but the Kiwanis are moving forward with traditional fundraiser planning and new ideas to support and serve the youth of Orcas Island. In-person meetings have begun again, and are currently 12pm, every other Thursday, in the Orcas Island Community Church Annex. For those who are also interested in joining, information about becoming a member is available by emailing club President, Velma at dvdotyorcas@gmail.com.


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