YOU can help us be a huge Co-op Hero! When visiting the Orcas Food Co-op during the month of November, the Orcas Food Co-op Community Hero Program gives you two easy opportunities to contribute to the Orcas Island Food Bank:

  1. Register Round-up. This one’s great. Any day you shop at the Co-op during November, you will have the opportunity to “round up” your purchases at the register when you
    check out. Say your purchased $35.50 in items and told them to “round it up” to $40. The difference of $4.50 will go to the Food Bank.
  2. 3% Thursday. Mark your calendar. If you shop at the Co-op on the third Thursday of November (November 19), you will be helping to generate the 3% of gross profits
    received that day that will be contributed to the Food Bank.

Voila! Everyone’s a Hero! And, members and non-members alike may always shop there any time and get amazing organic food, products and groceries as well as support local community
programs, farms and vendors.