Community Workshop on Measuring Non-Profit Outcomes

from Hilary Canty, Director, OICF

Thursday, November 21 from 3:30-6 pm at the Eastsound Fire Hall

Non-profit organizations sometimes struggle to communicate — to their funders and their clients — how the organization defines and measures success.

Jim Connell, a member of the Orcas Island Community Foundation (OICF) Board of Trustees and nationally recognized figure in evaluation and measurement of community-based initiatives, will conduct an interactive, hands-on workshop on this topic. The workshop is sponsored by the OICF.

Who is invited?

Staff and volunteers working with island non-profits – large and small, new and “mature” — and interested community members. Cost is $15 per organization (bring as many participants as you’d like).

What will you learn?

How to clearly convey what your organization is trying to accomplish in measurable ways.

Why is this important?

These measures let you tell your story about what you intend to do and have done to benefit your clients and your community in more compelling ways.

A clear understanding of these outcomes and what it will take you to get to there can help you get better at what you do.

Attending this workshop and using its results will give you a better chance to get funding from OICF. Both attendance and use of the measures you create in an OICF grant application will be credited in the grants competition.

What will you walk away with?

  • A “picture” of what you are trying to accomplish and the most important pathways for getting there.
  • A set of measures of these accomplishments and ways to benchmark progress along the way.

RSVP by calling 376-6423 or email