Sunday, October 8, 11:30 a.m., Benson Hall

— from Suzanne Olson —

Please join Unitarian Universalist Fellowship next Sunday, October 8, for our Water Ceremony and welcome back together after a summer break. The Water Ceremony is a ritual symbolizing our connection to one another. This year it will be a little different from past years.

We will have four periods of sharing: water as nature, water that symbolizes moving and change, water that reminds us of life’s storms, and water that symbolizes the wellsprings of our lives. You are invited to share your water and its significance for you in any of these periods. After the service, we will add our water to the waters of the world by pouring it out in East Sound.

Please bring finger foods to share following the service. All are welcome. Please let us know if you need a ride, or have other needs that the Fellowship can help with.