Nancy Southern, MSW and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Specialist, is offering a free workshop to “eliminate the unconscious barriers to success that will sabotage your best efforts every time.”

“Do you make the same resolutions every year only to fall short of your goal?” asks Southern. This one-time workshop introduces the simple process of tapping on specific acupuncture points on the face and hands. The energy management technique noticeably clears away the roadblocks that hinder your resolve. “You will feel the shift happening,” says Southern.

“’Tapping’ is easy to learn. I was delighted at how much easier it is to reach my goals with the use of tapping – and how much happier I’ve been since incorporating this technique into my life.”

The workshop, on Sunday, Jan. 3 in the Library Conference Room, is open to everyone including teens. Southern encourages interested participants to bring along a friend or family member to the gathering from 2 to 4:30 p.m.

For further information, contact Nancy at 376-4288 or email

Also beginning in January is a four-week series with new more powerful ways to use tapping and energy management tools to achieve your dreams and goals – starts Thursday, Jan. 7. If you want to receive announcements, you can sign up for the newsletter on her website:

And for the first time, “Tapping: For Men Only” starts Monday, January 11th and continues for four weeks. Call 376-4288 for more information.