AG issues ‘informal opinion’ that Ferry and other highway tolls must go through the Legislature

From the Seattle Post-Intelligencer
By Chris Grygiel

Attorney General Rob McKenna’s office has sided with Tim Eyman, saying late Monday that the Transportation Commission can’t raise ferry fares or impose or raise tolls without a vote of the Legislature.

Gov. Chris Gregoire and policy makers are counting on tolls to help pay for the Alaskan Way Viaduct tunnel replacement and a new 520 bridge as well as increased ferry fares to mitiage cuts to runs.

McKenna issued an “informal opinion” on Initiative 1053, the Eyman measure that passed in November. That measure requires any state tax increase to be approved by two-thirds of state lawmakers. It also requires a simple legislative majority to pass fee hikes – which Eyman argues includes tolls and ferry fares. McKenna said his office’s review found that I-1053 amended state law “to restate the requirement that fees can only be imposed or increased if approved with majority legislative approval.”

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