Bob Eagan donates his work, with equipment on loan from OPALCO, to make the playing fields safe for kids.

This week, Orcas Island Park and Rec (OIPRD) Commissioner Bob Eagan dug out the faulty sprinkler heads at Buck Park in preparation for Island Irrigation coming in to repair the extensions and replace some of the non-functioning sprinkler heads.

OPALCO loaned the equipment to Eagan, who is a certified equipment operator. He donated his time and labor to decrease the cost to OIPRD for getting the work done.

OIPRD Chair Martha Farish said, “The repairs were needed because the faulty sprinkler operation had resulted in the creation of holes around the heads that were a safety hazard for soccer and other ball players. OIPRD is paying for the repairs because the school did not have the money, manpower or expertise on staff to get this type of job done.” (The Orcas Island School Board is in negotiation with OIPRD to use and maintain the Buck Park fields. There will be a Special Meeting of the two boards on Oct. 27 at 4:30 p.m. in the School Library to further the plans).

“Cheers for us all and especially Bob!” says Farish.