Sunday, Sept. 9 at 5 pm, Lopez Center, Lopez Island
Monday, Sept. 10 at 5 pm, Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Eastsound

From the Friends of the San Juans

Friends of the San Juans and the Stewardship Network of the San Juans bring an expert panel to Lopez and Orcas Islands Sept. 9 and 10

FRIENDS of the San Juans and the Stewardship Network of the San Juans are bringing an expert panel of speakers to Lopez and Orcas Islands to discuss the impacts of coal and tar sands exporting in the Salish Sea.  Speakers include:

  • Aaron Sanger (MS, JD), who will discuss tar sands oil export across the U.S. and the impacts of transporting this material through the Salish Sea.  Aaron is the Director of U.S. Campaigns for ForestEthics.
  • Fred Felleman (MS), who will be speaking on the impacts of vessel traffic in the San Juans and marine impacts associated with the proposed Cherry Point coal terminal outside of Bellingham.  Fred is a marine consultant with FriendsoftheEarth and wildlife photographer.

Plus we will bring information from Dr. Val Viers, of SeaSoundRemoteSensingNetwork, which will present the impacts of shipping noise on the Southern Resident Killer Whales.

Attendees will also be provided with an update on the StatesOilSpillContingencyPlanRule, which has been signed and is open for formal public comment until October 4. This rule will update state oil spill preparedness planning standards, improve the state’s current vessels of opportunity system, establish a volunteer coordination system, improve the state-required notification process for serious spill threats (such as large disabled ships) as well as actual spills, and  make other changes related to oil spill contingency plans and Ecology’s review and approval process.