— from David Dehlendorf, Chair, San Juan County Democrats —

The San Juan County Democrats are pleased to announce that at its special endorsement meeting on September 10 in Friday Harbor, it voted to endorse various candidates and ballot measures in the Washington State general election on November 8, 2016.

Only candidates who requested endorsement were given consideration. Candidates Bill Watson, Cyrus Habib, and Tina Podlodowski attended in person to request endorsement. Patty Murray and Kevin Ranker were represented by members of their election staff.

Among the candidates endorsed were the following.

• Bill Watson for San Juan County Council Member – San Juan Island Residency District #1

• Hillary Clinton & Tim Kaine for President & Vice President

• Patty Murray for U.S. Senator

• Rick Larsen for U.S. Representative – 2nd Congressional District

• Kevin Ranker for State Senator – 40th Legislative District

• Kris Lytton for State Representative – 40th Legislative District

• Jeff Morris for State Representative – 40th Legislative District

• Jay Inslee for Governor

A complete list of endorsements is found at www.sjdemocrats.org.