Note: Current positive case numbers are available online at the County Case Data Dashboard.

Since the last update on Friday August 13, total cases in San Juan County have increased from 237 to 264. Of these 27 new cases, initial investigations indicate that at least seven appear to have occurred in fully vaccinated individuals — a number that is not at all surprising given the overall high rate of vaccination in San Juan County.

There are approximately 27 unvaccinated close contacts of positive cases who are currently in two-week quarantine. Note that vaccinated close contacts do NOT need to quarantine and this number would be far higher if not for the relatively high vaccination rate in San Juan County.

The transmission sources for these new cases vary widely. More than half of these new cases were previously identified as close contacts of previous positive cases.

Note that an unvaccinated individual included in last week’s report has been hospitalized on the mainland. This is the first DOH reported COVID hospitalization for a San Juan County resident since April.

  • LOPEZ ISLAND: There are no new cases on Lopez Island since the last update. There are no positive cases under active monitoring on Lopez Island.
  • ORCAS ISLAND: There are fourteen new cases on Orcas Island since the last update. There are fifteen positive cases under active monitoring on Orcas Island.
  • SAN JUAN ISLAND: There are thirteen new cases on San Juan Island since the last update. There are thirteen positive cases under active monitoring on San Juan Island.
  • SHAW ISLAND: There are no new cases on Shaw Island since the last update. There is one positive case under active monitoring on Shaw Island.


  • San Juan County will be offering free walk-up COVID vaccine clinics on San Juan (8/24), Orcas (8/25), and Lopez (8/26). For full details go to: www.sanjuanco.com/1737/COVID-Vaccine-Info
  • Immunocompromised individuals interested in discussing need for a third dose of vaccine should review their situation with their primary healthcare provider – who will then arrange for the delivery of vaccine if appropriate.
  • As per recent Federal guidance, San Juan County is working with local healthcare providers and pharmacies to discuss plans to supply booster shots for later in fall. Once finalized, those plans will be well publicized and widely shared with island communities.


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