Washington DC's Central Kitchen changes lives and challenges nonprofits

Robert Egger, the founder and President of DC Central Kitchen, a community kitchen in Washington D.C.,will be sharing his experiences in food assistance across the nation, the role of non-profits and creating effective solutions.

Eggers will be at a fundraising event for the Orcas Island Food Bank and the Farm to Cafeteria Committee on June 6 at 6:30 p.m. at the Odd Fellows Hall.

DC Central Kitchen, founded in 1989, is the country’s first “community kitchen” where food donated by restaurants and hospitality events (including the inauguration party of George H.W. Bush) is used to provide culinary arts job training so that unemployed men and women learn marketable skills and convert donations into balanced meals.

The Kitchen operates its own revenue generating business, Fresh Start Catering, as well as the Campus Kitchens Project, which coordinates similar recycling/meal programs in 30 college or high school based kitchens.

Eggers’ appearance is hosted by the Orcas Island Community Foundation. Everyone is welcome to come, free of charge. Admission is by donation.

Eggers was included in the Non Profit Times list of the “50 Most Powerful and Influential” nonprofit leaders from 2006-2009. He was the recipient of the Restaurant Association of Metropolitan Washington’s 2007 “Lifetime Achievement” award and the 2004 James Beard Foundation “Humanitarian of the Year” award. He has been named an Oprah Angel, a Washingtonian of the Year, a Point of Light and one of the Ten Most Caring People in America, by the Caring Institute. He is author of the 2oo4 book, Begging for Change.

More information about Robert Egger can be found at www.robertegger.org

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