Monday, Nov. 21 from 9 to 12:30 a.m. at the Eastsound Fire Hall

San Juan County Economic Development Council and the Orcas Chamber of Commerce have joined forces to present a workshop on  “Planning and Financing a Business. ”

The workshop, held on Orcas Island, will be “a three and a half hour odyssey of what it takes to start and maintain a high performing business.  From financing to business plans this is a must do for anyone who has recently started or is considering to launch a business.”

The business and financing workshop course material will be presented by James McCafferty, of the Economic Development Association of Skagit County, a management consultant for over a decade. As part of the workshop, McCafferty will cover business financing, discuss a variety of financing options and will provide a reality check for those considering a new or expanded business venture. He will be available for one-on-one consultation after the workshop.

Participants in the workshop will leave with the resources and support they need to create a business plan including a realistic financial plan.

In addition, McCafferty will cover current federal and Washington State tax incentive programs for small businesses.

Refreshments are provided at the free workshop. 9:00am – 12:30pm.  Register at: