Thursday, Feb. 27 from 5 to 6 p.m. at Darvill’s Bookstore

Pie in the Sky Adventures: Sell a Pie, Go to Jail. A modern love story

Pie in the Sky Adventures: Sell a Pie, Go to Jail. A modern love story

Don and Terri Murray will read from their memoir of their sailing, bakery, acupuncture and entrepreneurial adventures at Darvill’s Bookstore tonight. Enjoy their stories, wine, cheese and cookies as they read from and sign copies of their book Pie in the Sky Adventures.

Teri and Don Murray have been living their version of “Pie in the Sky” for over 25 years. Along the way, they’ve run a bakery in Puerta Vallarta, sailed from San Francisco to the Caribbean, attempted to recreate their bakery in Australia, tried to help the King of Tonga, purchased a coffee farm, and bought a home in Deer Harbor, Washington.

And written a book about it!