Teri and Don Murray at their desk in Deer Harbor

Teri and Don Murray at their desk in Deer Harbor

By Margie Doyle

Teri and Don Murray have been living their version of “Pie in the Sky” for over 25 years. Along the way, they’ve run a bakery in Puerta Vallarta, sailed from San Francisco to the Caribbean, attempted to recreate their bakery in Australia, tried to help the King of Tonga, purchased a coffee farm, and bought a home in Deer Harbor, Washington.

And written a book about it.

Since moving to Orcas Island about five years ago, Don and Teri have applied themselves to writing their book, Pie in the Sky Adventures, and learning as much as they can of the attendant computer, internet, and marketing skills needed in publishing a book today.

The book was edited by island resident Sara Williams, and the cover was created by islander Tina Rose. The Murrays are delighted that islander Cole Bush, who came here following a shepherding (yes, sheep) job in the California hills, was instrumental in preparing the book for distribution as an e-book on Amazon this spring.

The couple sought to make the book as widely distributed as possible, and as Don says, “no more expensive than a fancy cup of joe at Starbuck’s.”

In 1987 they had $200 in their pockets, supplies from Teri’s acupuncture practice and materials to make sailing equipment. Their “pie in the sky” adventures began with a wild sailing trip to Puerto Vallarta. The book is “a happy read,” and is told from both their perspectives.

“Some of us were straighter than others,” Don says with a fond nod to his wife, and Teri admits to some fears (and tears) in the beginning, wondering how it would all work out.

Pie in the Sky Adventures: Sell a Pie, Go to Jail. A modern love story

Pie in the Sky Adventures: Sell a Pie, Go to Jail. A modern love story

While Pie in the Sky Adventures  could be described as an adventure story or a journey story, it is mostly a story about making friends and sharing good times. They decided years ago that they wanted an adventurous, but not dangerous life, “posing as grown-ups.” Their adventures have been in making new friends and training employees, at finding and rigging sailboats, at starting new enterprises without stinting on materials or service. They travel with a light touch and with light hearts. They believe in keeping money in circulation, rather than letting it safely “grow.”

Which is not to say that they’re naive. They research their ventures, and have a firm belief that the power of intention will result in a good outcome, regardless of the original plan.

Whether making pies, healing through acupuncture, sailing boats, transporting ovens across international borders, hiring employees, pleasure traveling, buying land and houses or even bailing out of jail, they have lived on their own terms, trusting in simplicity, hard work, friends and at times, the insight that psychics may have to offer.

They have traveled much of the Western hemisphere, from Mexico to Trinidad, Panama to Argentina, Australia to San Francisco, and finally to the San Juan Islands;  guided by their gypsy genes and  a spirit of adventure, but also by a set of criteria for wherever they decided to live.  Or as they put it in their characteristic way, “searching for the Goldilocks spot.”

Along the way, they have always been open to the good in people and new friends; understanding that friendship is a two-way street, healing friends in their rehabilitation, and being bailed out of jail by a business associate in Mexico.

Teri and Don Murray have, in their own words, “pursued freedom and  adventure and embraced the unknown rather than shape our lives to play it safe and provide for a secure future.”

The last chapter of the book gives a summary of their philosophy. Their criteria for a good place to live include:

  • beauty
  • clean salt water
  • safety
  • acceptable and basic medical care
  • friendly intelligent people
  • stable government
  • favorable economy.

Now after mooring their boat in Cayou Cay for two years, and purchasing an OPAL house in the Lahari neighborhood, the Murrays are exploring Chang Mai, in Thailand as their next “Goldilocks spot.” While they are in the process of adding their famously popular recipes to the book, now Teri and Don are selling their boat and home and preparing to travel back to Chang Mai where they spent five months last year.

They plan to travel to northern India and Hilo, Hawaii when the climate in Chang Mai is too hot, and they will continue to seek a life of friendliness, simplicity and beauty wherever they go.

Pie in the Sky Adventures is available as an Amazon Kindle book for $3.99, at amazon.com/Pie-Sky-Adventures-ebook