"Completing the Circle" art book by Philomena Robinson

The March Lobby Gallery at Orcas Center will feature Philomena Robinson’s  artwork, book arts, photography, and other media, and she will talk about her creative process.

Wednesday, February 29, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., the March Madrona Room exhibit, an Open Drawing/Paper Show for local artists, will accept only drawings, ready to hang, in the traditional drawing media,and manipulated paper items, i.e. sculpture, books, etc.

Pedestals will be available for three-dimensional work, but the glass cases will NOT be available.

The intention of this show is to highlight work not usually seen.  So-called “finished” “paintings” in drawing media, such as pastel and colored pencil, will not be accepted even though they meet the criterion of being a drawing medium.

The Reception for this show will be Friday, March 2, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. in the Madrona Room.  Philomena will speak about her “Artplay” process in creating artist books and works in other media.  This show runs to March 28.

Questions: Heidi Lindberg, 376-4528.