Land Bank Renewal Still Close

Tabulation in the Nov. 8 election as of 6 p.m. on Nov. 9 indicate that early projections still hold, with the Land Bank Renewal outcome still in question.

The Orcas Island School District Capital Projects Levy will pass with 1,358 votes in favor of the measure, against 881 votes blocking the levy (60.65 percent vs. 39.35 percent); 2, 239 votes have been tabulated in that contest.

With 7, 198 ballots tallied, the Land Bank’s Renewal Fee  vote is at 3,764 in favor and 3,434 opposed (52.29 percent vs. 47.71 percent) San Juan County Proposition No. 1 Extension through 2026 of Conservation Area Real Estate Excise Tax.

Of the 6,966 votes cast for the County imposition of a solid waste fee, 2, 203 have voted in favor of the charge (31.63 percent), while 4,763 votes (68.27 percent) have been cast in opposition to Proposition No. 2 Solid Waste User Charge for Management of Solid Waste.

In the County Council District 5 Charter Review Commissioner race,  (three candidates elected), Moana Kutsche, Steve Garrison and Linda Tretheway lead with 566, 556 and 532 votes respectively. Leonard Wood trails with 465 votes.

In other contested Orcas races, Rollie Sauer leads Roger Adams in the Sewer District election, with Sauer getting 442 votes to Adams’ 276. Sheldon Gregory and Dwight Guss are the voters’ choice in the Port of Orcas Commissioner races.

For all results, including statewide issues, go to