Hello San Juan County Council,

I noticed two things last September at the Orcas ferry landing, but waited to mention this in the hope that maybe there was some mistake that had yet to be corrected… Unfortunately, nothing has happened, and I feel obligated to bring this to your attention.

Last summer/fall (2023) San Juan County installed a float at the Orcas Ferry landing and finished the Accessible parking area for the landing above. It was touted as a major public works project, so I did a public records request to see if perhaps I was missing something, but no luck. After seven months of delay from the records request, I believe that San Juan county installed the float without a permit. AND installed the ADA parking incorrectly.

I noticed there are several items here that are incompatible with state, federal and local regulations, and conflicts with the entire idea of accountability for our county government. Let me just list a few:

  1. Permits are required for float replacement, and SJC knows this because they enforce the regulations, yet as of the PRR on September 6th of 2023, no permit application had been submitted to Army Corps of Engineers, WDFW, DNR or even SJC itself. In fact, the PRR exposed a code enforcement letter from WDFW dated the same day as the PRR. The hypocrisy is astounding.
  2. The Hearing examiner conclusion and conditions for the approval of the Shoreline substantial development permit for the ADA parking and other work required that SJC get permits, for and approval from local, state and federal agencies with jurisdiction of the work. Including a building permit, and have inspections for ADA final compliance. This has yet to happen…
  3. WSF entered into contract with SJC for the upgrades at the ferry landing:
    1. Not only did SJC fail to get the required permits for the above work, BUT the final ADA inspection ALSO hasn’t been completed, and if it had, you would know that the parking spots do not comply with the Accessibility requirements set forth in ANSI 117.1.
    2. ADA/ANSI 117.1 Section 502.5 covers parking spaces and they shall not have a cross slope greater than 1:48 or 2%  The elevations have been examined with GPS equipment and shown below with the slope. The lowest slope is 8.28% and the worst slope is almost 12%.
    3. In addition, the preliminary documents for Phase I and II clearly show that SJC Public works knew the elevations at the ADA parking spaces PRIOR TO design and construction. This could have been addressed in the construction phase and leveled properly to comply with the slope requirements of the ADA/ANSI 117.1 standards.

I still do not see a building permit for the work the county did here. Do you know that it does not comply with the ADA/ANSI standards required for handicap parking? Do you realize that this opens the county up for a lawsuit because this error violates the Civil Rights of Disabled citizens?

Among other things I’d like to know how was it allowed to happen, how the county intends to fix this? And how do you intend to prevent it from happening again? I am so disappointed I’m beside myself with frustration. I expected better than this.

Photos of parking area

Grading marks at ADA parking Orcas ferry landing

001 Orcas Island Ferry Terminal ADA Parking Improvements GCB 3441 – Executed

Hearing examiner ruling NOV 22 2017 PSJ000-17-00012

Orcas Ferry landing elevation diagram ADA parking


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