Thursdays, May 3 and May 10, 7 – 9 p.m., Funhouse Commons

— from Linda Slone for Orcas Island Chamber Music —

What’s the difference between a concerto and a sonata? How about a Philharmonic, a Symphony, and an Orchestra? Do you know when it’s okay to clap between movements, or what a movement is in the first place?

The next two Thursdays, we’ll have top-notch answers to those questions—and any others you come up with! Our own personal Orcas Island Chamber Music professors, Artistic Director Aloysia Friedmann and Artistic advisor Jon Kimura Parker, will be beamed in direct from Professor Parker’s studio at Rice University for OICMF’s Music 101. The two Thursday evening sessions on May 3 and 10 will be hosted by our dear friends at the Funhouse Commons and run from 7-9 p.m.

To register for the sessions, to submit questions, or to learn more, please call Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival at (360) 376-6636 or send an email to Thanks to a grant from the Gould Family Foundation, these world-class sessions are free.