— from San Juan County Communications —

Two new reports will be presented to County Council and Planning Commission this week [Dec. 11-15]. The reports summarize the community workshops and surveys conducted for the Vision Statement Check-In and the economic analysis of natural resource lands. The Vision 2036 Update Process report will summarize the results from the online survey conducted in November 2017 and the community workshops held in October 2017. Use the links below to access the reports.

Vision 2036 Update Process: https://www.sanjuanco.com/DocumentCenter/View/13619

Economic Analysis of Resource Lands: https://www.sanjuanco.com/DocumentCenter/View/13622

The County Council discussion of both reports will be held on December 11 and will be live streamed here: https://sanjuanco.com/773/Council-Hearing-Room-Live-Stream

The Planning Commission discussion of both reports will be held on December 15 and will be live streamed here: https://sanjuanco.com/971/Planning-Commission-Meeting-Video

Additional information about the Comprehensive Plan Update can be found here: https://sanjuanco.com/1306/Comprehensive-Plan-Elements

If members of the public would like to comment on either report, written comments can be emailed to: compplancomments@sanjuanco.com