||| from San Juan County Communications |||

A mass of smoke is currently sitting over Southwestern Washington.  This smoke, from wildfires in Washington, Oregon and California, is expected to move north starting [Friday} and likely impact much of Western Washington through the weekend as it is pushed by southerly winds.

The Department of Ecology smoke forecast for [today] predicts that air quality will be ’unhealthy for sensitive groups’ in some areas and ’unhealthy for everyone’ in other areas.  Conditions on Saturday are expected to be worse.

Be prepared to protect you and your family’s health from outdoor smoke by:

  • Stay inside with doors and windows closed when it’s smoky. Use towels to block air flow if smoke is coming in through gaps in window or door frames. But don’t overheat! Open doors and windows if you must to cool down. Watch for times when smoke may clear and open windows and doors to clear out smoke that has gotten inside.
  • Reduce indoor pollution you can control. Reduce or eliminate any type of smoking, no vacuuming, no candles, no incense, no aerosol sprays.
  • Take it easy. Smoky air is not good for vigorous activities. Put off chopping wood, mowing the lawn, or going for a run.
  • Set air to recirculate on your HVAC or window air conditioner if you have one.
  • Reduce smoke in your vehicle if you’re out in your car by closing the windows and vents and running the air conditioner on recirculate.

For more information about health impacts from wildfire smoke see the Department of Health COVID-19 and Wildfire Smoke page.

Additional information is also available on the Washington Smoke Blog.