The monkey tree is dismembered and then taken down

Disease transforms tree into table

An Eastsound landmark, the “Monkey Puzzle” tree in front of the Radio Shack store, has  been cut down to size — table heighth.

Carolyn Crawford, co-owner of the property where the tree has grown and withered, said it was a sad day last Thursday, Dec. 9, when Tim’s Tractor Service had to take the monkey tree down.

“We’ve tried to save it,” she said, but after soil samples determined that the tree’s roots were afflicted by a fungus, the tree had become a hazard, particularly in the high winds that funnel through “downtown” Eastsound.

Crawford said that arborist Hurlwyn Lutz attributed the fungus to poor soil drainage, related to installation of sidewalks in front of the tree and the gazebo through which it had grown.

Over the years, the tree — native to Equatorial South America — had been moved from in front of Bilbo’s. All development of the property had been done according to County code, said Crawford, and it had a negative impact on the tree. Recently the owners were informed that the tree would have to be taken down.

Crawford praised Tim Segault and his workers for the care with which they undertook the operation. “They are being extremely conscientious in removing the limbs and the tree.”

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