Friday, October 20, 7 – 9 p.m., Odd Fellows Hall

— from Samara Shaw —

Waikara Master, Tohunga, and Maori Elder Mauta Kumar, from New Zealand, offer a series of Mass Expansion Healing Circles for the lands and people of Turtle Island (The Americas). Returning from his work in the Black Forest of Switzerland and Germany, where he convened a group of “Ancient Ancestors,” 12 Elder/Master Healers including: Waikara Masters, Oracle Masters, Bindu Guardians, and a Bindu Master.

The Ancestors Assembly and Expansion Healing Circles bring immense change to the land, water, sky, self, home, the historic memory, and the forward memory. All are welcome to join Mauta Kumara in this powerful healing work.

Waikara means, “The light that protects the water.” Or Water Protectors. The lineage and history of the Waikara include The San Juan Islands. According to oral history, The Waikara were the last migration of an ancient people of peace, who traveled the globe, mostly by sea, before Europeans knew it was possible. They migrated to avoid being trapped into war cultures, and to explore the planet for their descendants. They consider themselves related to the Tibetans, the Hopi, the Tribes of the Salish Sea area, the Celts, the inhabitants of Lake Titicaca and Easter Island, Hawaii, Polynesia.

According to oral history, The Waikara lived for 60,000 years in the land of URU, which included The San Juans, 1st Lemuria, and Hawaii when it was known as a mountain known as Maunganui. 6,500 years ago, shamans told them a “Great Darkness” was coming and they needed to select 150 people who would go traveling in ocean-going canoes (Wakas) to a new place where they would keep the Way of Peace alive. Those who stayed behind would have to hold the Way of Peace while going through the Great Darkness.

The travelers had a conch shell that made the sound of a wounded baby whale. They traveled out into the ocean and blew the conch shell. The whales came and led them down the coast to South America or as Mauta Kumara calls it, “The Land of URU… Land of the hummingbird flute… we were following the path of the royal purple skin… the Kumara” – then across the Pacific Ocean to New Zealand. “ We speak the language of the whale and the dolphin… the long breath and the short breath…. Laced into the beat of the drum to calculate distance and time for navigation on the land, water, sky… cosmos.”

The stories have been passed down from generation to generation through the ages by the Elders. It is said that at a certain time, the Way of Peace would return to the San Juan Islands. The Way of Peace is within each of us, and through coming together in this way, we heal and restore balance within ourselves and to the planet.

Join us on Friday, October 20, from 7 – 9 p.m., at Odd Fellows Hall. The suggested donation is $22, but no one one is turned away. Please pay what you can. To purchase tickets, please go to: