As long time islanders we have seen many school board members come and go. It is an important and often thankless job. We have always been grateful to the people that are willing to set up and take on this role. With that being said we would like to publicly offer our support for Justin Paulsen for the Orcas Island School Board.

We met Justin 10 years ago when he first arrived on the island. We were immediately impressed with his “can do” attitude and willingness to volunteer his time for kids. Over the past ten years it seems that at every kid event we attended we would find Justin there flipping burgers, coaching a team and wrangling lost pets or kids! In fact, at our grandson’s first Viking football game in September, Justin was there weed eating around the bleachers before the game! When we asked him why, he told us that he saw that it needed to be done so he went home, grabbed his tools and did it. We really appreciate this work ethic and selfless commitment to our island youth.

Additionally, having been in the construction business for over 45 years we believe that at this time the school needs someone on the board with knowledge of construction. Justin’s background in construction along with his commitment to children, makes him the ideal candidate! We believe that Justin will be a great asset to the school board. We know that he will always work hard and put what is best for kids first.


Mike and Vicki Bartram