— from Jen Vollmer —

Thanks to the generosity of Funhouse 2015 Gala donors and the Kiwanis Club of Orcas Island, The Funhouse Commons can now purchase new playground equipment. The organization is seeking additional community support for preparing the grounds and installing the equipment. One way you can help is by “chowing for children” Thursday nights during the month of September at Doe Bay Café! For every entrée you enjoy on Thursdays this month, Doe Bay Resort will generously donate $1 to The Funhouse playground project. Stop by between 5-10 p.m. for tacos and other delicious entrees at a great location in support of growing strong and healthy island kids!

The Funhouse supports the young people of Orcas Island by providing diverse opportunities for physical, emotional, and intellectual growth in a safe and supportive environment. Contact The Funhouse at 376-7177 or email krista@thefunhouse.org to learn more. Visit www.funhousecommons.org for a list of current classes and programs.