I’ve come to know Tony Ghazel for the past eleven years through our association at the Orcas Island Community Church. Our friendship was immediately sparked by mutual interests, backgrounds and concerns. As I became involved in the Community and at our schools, I have come to appreciate Tony in the many different capacities with which he serves our Orcas community so well.  His passion is to serve – by representing our children and their teachers on the School Board for 9 years making sure that their needs, interests and success were uppermost as the Board’s priorities, offering the cutting edge of professional skills and experience in technology to individuals in the community as well as businesses including our Public Library.  He works tirelessly with the Lions Club to promote and raise funds for the generous scholarships which help many of our young people in their financial needs for college.

Tony has demonstrated the willingness to do the hard work that pays dividends to our children and community, whether it’s balancing the school budget, developing good public relations between our schools and the public, representing us well at the county and state levels, or selling tickets to the Loin’s famous – and yummy!- Salmon Bar-B-Q’s!

Tony has been instrumental in bringing our schools through a tough few years!  This year, we are seeing the fruit of his efforts, experience and expertise. Please join me in voting to keep Tony in this important position on our School Board – important to our school and our community.

Thank You!

Faith Heath