The Exchange Board echoes Jane Alden’s sentiments (comments included in substitute-locale-for-exchange-needed ) –it is really great to know people care so much for the Exchange!

It’s also very clear to us that a backlog of stuff is already building up in the community!

We are many weeks a way from a temporary collection facility at the site of the fire. We are many months away from a new permanent facility.

Currently the board is deeply engaged in the take-over of the transfer station, and the clean up of the Exchange site. These are our priorities right now.

That said, we are open to creative ideas regarding temporary collection programs, (including Rick Hughes’ suggestion for several “day-long” Exchanges).

Please contact us directly to discuss, and/or post your ideas on our Facebook page, where we are also providing regular progress reports:

By Pete Moe, Chair, Exchange on Orcas non-profit

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