Don’t know about you, but I feel separation pangs when the Exchange comes to mind.

Where can I take left-over items from the Fidelis Flea Market? Surely someone would like my too-small sweaters, and this extra mixing bowl; I’d like to pick up some seed trays for my spring planting, and a handle for my garden rake; and a replacement for the coffee pot I broke.  I’m making a list for later, when the Exchange gets up and running again. By the way, you know you can help by donating to the Exchange Phoenix Fund  through Orcas Island Community Fund,

But how about a substitute location in the meantime (how long will that “meantime” be? ) Odd Fellows Hall is available, but things would have to be brought, and then removed each time. How about a large storage unit or two? or the former Radio Shack on North Beach Rd? or another available “for rent” space?  Who is willing to organize this temporary space? Help!

Margot Shaw,  West Sound

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