During the past year we have read of major earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, forest fires, etc. across the globe. Thus far the San Juans have remained unscathed from such cataclysmic events but no place is immune from unexpected disaster. The County’s Disaster Management, Fire and Police Departments all have basic plans for responding to such an event, but also limited resources. In the short term much of the assistance for those affected would be through neighbor helping neighbor.

Some communities have developed their own disaster plans intended to augment and interface with the County Departments. Through the efforts of the Deer Harbor Plan Review Committee we have begun by considering emergency routes; initiating a network of hand-held radios; reviewing available local resourses, etc. It’s just a beginning.

One of the more important elements of such a plan is the selection of an Emergency Center where those affected could find food, shelter and information. Pam and Craig Carpenter have offered to let the Deer Harbor Inn serve that purpose. The County Red Cross is delighted with the selection since the Inn provides so many of the facilities that they look for in an Emergency Center. In addition its central location and proximity to the Fire Station are real assets.

We would like to thank the Carpenters for their offer to the Deer Harbor community. They are good neighbors. And we hope we never have occasion to visit them as an Emergency Center. Rather only as a pleasant setting for a good dinner.

Deer Harbor Plan Review Committee