— from Steve Henigson —

Jean and I went to our bank, today, to do some everyday banking business. The lines were long, and moving slowly, and even the Bank Manager was doing the work of a teller. So we asked why.

“Can’t get employees!” she said. “Why? Because they can’t find housing?” “Bingo!” she replied.

Well, that certainly brought the issue home.

Jean and I were at the recent “conversation” about the vacation-rental problem. Our Councilman, Rick Hughes, was there too. Other people who were also at the meeting now report that Rick seems unavailable, and isn’t answering e-mails on the subject. That seems to tell us a great deal about whether our Council will ever do anything useful about the problem.
But don’t despair.

There is an easy solution to the problem: Throw out the entire County Council, and elect other representatives in their stead

Jean wanted to know how we were to find the “right” replacement Councilmembers, who will actually listen to us, and will do something useful to solve the vacation-rental problem. I told her that it really isn’t necessary to find the “right” people. It really doesn’t matter whom we elect. The necessary instructive message to the new Councilmembers will have been delivered by the wholesale ouster of the old ones: “Do the people’s bidding, or we’ll throw you out, too.”

So there’s your quick and (pretty) easy solution to the housing problem that we face. Now, all we have to do is implement it. Talk to your neighbors, and convert them to the revolutionary thinking that I’ve just proposed. Then act on it.

Throw the bums out. As soon as possible.