— from Joseph Murphy —

Every once and awhile someone in public life stands up and says, “Enough!” We all know the chant from the movie Network, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!” that flowed from the fevered brow of the mad Howard Beale, Paddy Chayefsky’s brilliantly conceived newscaster gone to seed.

Chayefsky knew the American temperament well, and he also knew when
real insurrection occurs, the powers that be first appropriate and then
exterminate the threat posed by insurrection. In such a climate I am sure
that the ‘squad’ are tightening their security details. Yet they are brave and
contrary, as is our own state’s Jay Inslee, the only declared candidate for
the Presidency in 2020 who appears to have any notion of what it will take
to divest the polices and the atmosphere of fossil fuels.

And then there is Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson who
has today brought suit against the Navy on multiple grounds in an attempt
to stop the carnage of an enhanced growler fleet at NAS Whidbey that
defiles the skies over both Coupeville and the Olympic Peninsula.

It is time to face the hard truths that we are not being protected but,
rather, robbed blind by market forces gone ballistic. The Growler fleet is a
boondoggle of vast proportion propagated by an uncaring and endlessly
voracious corporate sector that is headed up by Boeing and Grumman.
These thieves prey on the emotions of a public willing to accept any type
of psychological and material abuse as long as it promises, however
erringly, a sense of safety.

The Olympic Peninsula is sacred to many of us. The Navy and their corporate paymasters are blasphemers of the lowest mentality and morals who consider nothing sacred.

No parasan! And thank you, Bob Ferguson