To the Wonderful Orcas Community,

Our family would like thank everyone in the community for their amazing support and love during this challenging time in our family’s journey. We do not always have the ability to thank everyone individually, but we want everyone to know how much every gesture means to us. To everyone who has generously donated to Kurt’s medical fund- thank you so much, the help that provides is hard to measure! To everyone who has dropped off food, or stopped by to talk and offer support in person- thank you so much! To everyone who has sent kind notes, said kind words, given extra hugs, and kept us in their prayers- thank you so much!

Kurt continues to fight and we continue to look for answers and treatments to this terrible disease. Every day is hard and brings its own challenges and frustrations. Along with the direct physical challenges in front of us, there is also the constant fight against melancholy and hopelessness. It is in this second fight where your love and support make the biggest impact and why we are so grateful to each and everyone one of you. So thank you again, a million times over, for everything you have done and continue to do, we couldn’t do it without you!

With Love,
Kurt, Robin, Tika, John and Andrew