— from Kat Fennell —

I encouraged Michael Durland to be a candidate for San Juan County Council as a way of giving back to his community of nearly 40-years. Michael is the strong quiet leader of our community with the honesty, integrity and tenacity that this community needs. He is experienced, knowledgeable, qualified, and intelligent.

Michael Durland is not a talker. He is listener and a doer. He donates to his community, and takes the time to help individuals. When the local businesses bemoaned the short tourist season, Durland listened and took action. Michael Durland created and paid for the Deer Harbor Wooden Boat Rendezvous, then financed and supplementing it as needed. We started a nonprofit with the goal of creating year around opportunities for the maritime trades; then let it go to evolve in its own direction.

Michael did this without seeking praise, accolades, recognition, or personal gains. Michael Durland has provided this type of support for his community for decades. When community members felt ignored or mistreated, Michael made the effort to include them in the discussion, made sure their issues were heard, and facilitated petitions for people who feared retaliation for their involvement, then suffered the consequences for doing so.

As County Councilman Durland will be effective. If you don’t know Michael Durland, you should get to know him before making a decision this election. Visit his website at durland4council.com, email him at michael@durland4council.com.

Michael has long understood that each person and very business in an small island community is a community resource. When we lose engaged volunteers or a businesses as a result of individuals pushing personal agendas–we all lose.

Numerous people have told us that they are voting for Michael Durland, but will not endorse him publicly for of fear of recriminations–in my opinion their fears only accentuate the need for a positive change in leadership for San Juan County.

A vote for Michael Durland District 2 Orcas will be a vote for a productive, open, responsive, and fair government in San Juan County.