Dave Kosiur's photos of Taos, New Mexico, will be on display at Washington Federal Bank in Eastsound

Starting on Monday, November 1st, Dave Kosiur will be exhibiting photographic prints of Taos Pueblo and Ranchos de Taos as Washington Federal’s Artist of the Month. The prints will be on display through the month of November.

The photos on display are selections from Dave’s first visit to Taos Pueblo and Ranchos de Taos, in August of this year. Taos Pueblo is a National Historic Landmark and was designated by UNESCO as the first Living World Heritage in 1992. Taos Pueblo is considered to be the oldest continuously inhabited community in the US.

Dave has lived full-time on Orcas since late 1999 and helped organize the Orca Island Camera Club three years ago, serving as its “chief organizer” for two years.

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