— from Spirit Eagle —

Orcas Islanders, please help the Lakota People at Standing Rock Reservation in South Dakota in their Stand against the Bakken Crude Oil Pipeline going 100 miles through the Standing Rock Reservation (Lakota Reservation) in South |Dakota.

Last week on Tuesday the Army Corps of Engineers gave the OK for the Pipeline ignoring the fact that the People’s Drinking Water and Sacred Places would be destroyed.

On Saturday, over the Labor Day Weekend, the Pipeline people went ahead and unearthed burial grounds and set dogs on those who tried to stop them. Native remains are protected under the American Indian Religious Freedom Act. I can only surmise that enough money passed hands to overlook that item. Word from Standing Rock is that the Grandmothers are trying to calm down the Warriors.

See: Food and Water Watch.org and indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com
Native  Americans and non-Native Americans from all over the country are flocking to South   Dakota to Stand with the people to prevent more of this from happening. People from Orcas are going too and delivering needed items in support of this Stand against the Pipeline.
The bus leaves on Thursday morning on September 8. Any of the following items you can donate will be greatly appreciated:
  • Blankets
  • Sleeping Bags
  • Warm Clothing
  • Chargers
  • Flashlights, etc.
Please drop items off at the second-hand shop, Mr. & Mrs in Eastsound, or at Golden Tree Hostel on No Beach Road on same side as the Dog Park. Ask for Ian.