Esther and Isaac Olson. Their new CD is Cafe Musica!

Saturday, June 30, 2 – 4 p.m. at Darvill’s Bookstore

Local instrumental duo Isaac & Esther Olson are releasing their first-ever CD, “Cafe Musica!” after years performing together as a brother & sister duo.

Their passion for music came about as a conspiracy between God and their mother. From St Peter’s Basilica to a Boeing 747 at 40,000 feet they have performed their virtuosic music for hundreds of people around the world.

The new CD features beautiful arrangements on violin and viola, a delightful sampling of tunes from Boccherini to the Beatles, including Schubert’s “Ave Maria,” “Londonderry Air,” “Over the Rainbow” and “O Gloriosa” an original composition by Isaac Olson.

A CD release party will take place Saturday, June 30, 2 – 4 PM at Darvill’s Bookstore.

Cafe Musica! is available at Darvill’s, Orcas Store, and online at