Wednesday, June 24, at San Juan Island Grange Hall; program begins at 7 pm, preceded by a 6 pm potluck!

— from Boyd Pratt —

The historic Straitsview Barn

The historic Straitsview Barn

San Juan Island Grange #966 presents a summer evening program on Historic Barns of the San Juan Islands on Wednesday June 24, 2015 at the Grange Hall. The program begins at 7 pm, preceded by a potluck at 6 pm—all are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Join 100 Friends of Old Island Barns architectural historian Boyd C. Pratt and coordinator Sandy Strehlou for an introduction to the newly posted Historic Barns of the San Juan Islands.

Boyd and Sandy will talk about all things old island barns by taking a virtual tour through the website. Got an island barn? Know about any historic ones? Or maybe you’re just a barn hugger like these two…whatever, come and revel in these historic treasures!