— from Dick and BJ Arnold, Carol Boring, Dale Heisinger, JoEllen Moldoff, Patsy and Stu Stephens (reprinted from Dec. 22) —

In our opinion piece published the week of December 11, we expressed our desire to integrate our three Orcas Island practices into the Medical Center with UWNC as the administrator. We hoped that uniting the three practices at the Medical Center (built by and for all Orcas Island residents) would generate a more favorable community response, and patients could continue with care from the physician of their choice. We understood that the UW would ultimately determine who, through vetting the providers, would be asked to join the clinic and we felt that the UW might be receptive to community input in that process.

Independent conversations this past week by individuals (not from this group) with the three physicians regarding this proposal failed to get an unanimous commitment. We were saddened when hearing of this but feel that our imperative, now, should be to proceed with support of an association with the UW, and the value they can provide to this rural health care setting.

We believe that this may be the best opportunity to partner with the UW. Besides the technological advantages of such an association, it would enable us to have benefits that extend into the future for our present citizens, our children, and our grandchildren.

We therefore ask that those who welcome a new paradigm, who recognize the value that the UW would bring to our community, and who wish for a more secure healthcare future, please contribute to the fundraising campaign at Key Bank in order to make this happen. OMF, as a 501c-3 non-profit organization, serves as a vehicle whereby donors are able to deduct their donations for tax purposes, and its intent (if the campaign is successful) is to manage the maintenance of the building and not be involved with the management of the clinic. And finally, if the goal of raising the $750,000 is not achieved by January 15, 2017, all funds will be returned to the donors.

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