— by Paul Kamin, General Manager, Eastsound Water Users Association —

Purdue Lake is at normal levels.

Purdue Lake is at normal levels.

Much of Washington is discussing drought preparations for this summer due to the extremely low snowpack that accumulated this winter.

EWUA’s water sources not dependent on snowpack. Purdue Lake on Buck Mountain (photo) filled this winter as normal, and continued to overflow into May. Purdue provides roughly 50% of our production capacity.

Groundwater levels show normal “recharge” during the winter and should be able to provide normal supplies through the dry summer season into next Oct/Nov when (hopefully) the rains return.

EWUA is ready for a “normal summer.”

Continuing drought conditions are impacting California, which is implementing mandatory conservation requirements. Some water system are being asked to cut production by more than 30%.

Oregon and Washington water systems dependent on melting snowpack to maintain stream flow are worried, and rightfully so.

Water is a precious resource that should be used responsibly. That said, regional news of limited reservoir supplies and diminished groundwater conditions are not applicable to Eastsound Water’s sources. Be assured that your water system staff are closely monitoring our communities water supply.