By Steve Marler
San Juan County Fire Marshal

In cooperation with the State Department of Natural Resources, the fire danger for San Juan County has officially been lowered from “Moderate” to “Low.”

As warm weather wanes and with the recent light rainfall, many San Juan County residents are starting to think about autumn activities, like burning that pile of brush and tree limbs that they’ve collected all summer long.  While the risk of a damaging forest fire is declining with the change in weather, there may still be a few warm and dry spells within the next several weeks.  With that in mind, residential burn permits are not yet being made available.  Traditionally, burn permits can be obtained beginning October 1st of each year, although the exact date is subject to weather conditions.

Up-to-date information can always be found at the San Juan County Fire Marshal’s Web site:, or by calling the Fire Marshal’s Office at 378-FIRE (378-3473).

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