SRKW community demographics since 1998


Southern Resident Orca Community Demographics
Composition of Pods, Births and Deaths since 1998
Updated February 17, 2021

As of February 17, 2021, the Southern Resident Killer Whale (Orca) population was comprised of 75 individuals (76 including Lolita/Tokitae, the L pod orca on display at the Miami Seaquarium). J pod has 24 members; K pod has 17; and L pod has 34, including (approximately):

Adult females could be defined as 12 years old or older, or born in 2009 or earlier. Female reproductive age ends about age 40. Adult males (reproductive) could be defined as over 15, or born 2006 or earlier.

  • J pod has 11 adult females, (2 post-reproductive); 3 young females; 4 adult males; 6 young males.
  • K pod has 7 adult females (2 post-reproductive); 1 young female; 7 adult males; 2 young males.
  • L pod has 15 adult females (5 post-reproductive); 2 young females; 7 adult males; 8 young males, 2 unknown gender.

J pod
J16 F 1972*
J19 F 1979
J22 F 1985
J26 M 1991
J27 M 1991
J31 F 1995
J35 F 1998
J36 F 1999
J37 F 2001
J38 M 2003
J39 M 2003
J40 F 2004
J41 F 2005
J42 F 2007
J44 M 2009
J45 M 2009
J46 F 2009
J47 M 2010
J49 M 2012
J51 M 2015
J53 F 2015
J56 F 2019
J57 M 2020
J58 F 2020
K pod
K12 F 1972*
K14 F 1977
K16 F 1985
K20 F 1986
K21 M 1986
K22 F 1987
K26 M 1993
K27 F 1994
K33 M 2001
K34 M 2001
K35 M 2002
K36 F 2003
K37 M 2004
K38 M 2004
K42 M 2008
K43 F 2010
K44 M 2011
L pod (1)
L22 F 1971*
L25 F 1928*
L47 F 1974
L54 F 1977
L55 F 1977
L72 F 1986
L77 F 1987
L82 F 1990
L83 F 1990
L85 M 1991
L86 F 1991
L87 M 1992
L88 M 1993
L89 M 1993
L90 F 1993
L91 F 1995
L94 F 1995
L pod (2)
L103 F 2003
L105 M 2004
L106 M 2005
L108 M 2006
L109 M 2007
L110 M 2007
L113 F 2009
L115 M 2010
L116 M 2010
L117 M 2010
L118 F 2011
L119 F 2012
L121 M 2015
L122 M 2015
L123 M 2015
L124 U 2019
L125 U 2021

Go here for Complete list and photos of babies born since 2001

And here for The Whale Museum’s Adoption names and stories for each whale.

Dates of births marked with an asterisk (*) are estimated based on actuarial tables of mortality rates combined with observed association patterns to determine family relationships, from Life history and population dynamics of resident killer whales (Orcinus orca) in the coastal waters of British Columbia and Washington State, Olesiuk, P.F., M.A. Bigg and G.M. Ellis (Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, B.C., Canada V9R 5K6) (1990). In: P.S. Hammond, S.A. Mizroch and G.P. Donovan (eds.): Individual recognition of cetaceans: Use of photo-identification and other techniques to estimate population parameters. Special Report #12, International Whaling Commission, Cambridge, p. 209-243.

Data provided by the Center for Whale Research, San Juan Island.

Since 1998, 44 orca have been born and survived:

  • L125, Gender unknown, born to L86 (Surprise!), her fourth calf, February, 2021
  • J58, (Crescent) Female, born to J41 (Eclipse), her second calf, September, 2020
  • J57, (Phoenix) Male, born to J35 (Tahlequah), her third calf, September, 2020
  • J56 (Tofino) Female, born to J31 (Tsuchi), her first calf, May, 2019
  • L124 (Whistle) Gender unknown, born to L77 (Matia), her third calf, January, 2019
  • L123 (Lazuli) Male born to L103 (Lapis), her first calf, November, 2015
  • J53 (Kiki) Female born to J17 (Princess Angeline), her fourth calf, October, 2015
  • L122 (Magic) Male born to L91 (Muncher), her first calf, September, 2015
  • L121 (Windsong) Male born to L94 (Calypso), her second calf, February, 2015
  • J51 (Nova) Male born to J41 (Eclipse), her first calf, February, 2015
  • J49 (Tilem l�nges) Male born to J37 (Hy’shqa), her first calf, August, 2012
  • L119 (Joy) Female born to L77 (Matia), her first calf, May, 2012
  • K44 (Ripple) Male born to K27 (Deadhead), her first calf, July, 2011
  • L118 (Jade) Female born to L55 (Nugget), her fourth calf, January, 2011
  • L117 (Keta) Male born to L54 (Ino), her second calf, December, 2010
  • L116 (Finn) Male born to L82 (Kasatka), her first calf, October, 2010
  • L115 (Mystic) Male born to L47 (Marina), her third calf, August, 2010
  • K43 (Saturna) Female born to K12 (Sequim), her third calf, February, 2010
  • J47 (Notch) Male born to J35 (Tahlequah), her first calf, January, 2010
  • J46 (Star) Female born to J28 (Polaris), her first calf, November, 2009
  • L113 (Cousteau) Female born to L94 (Calypso), her first calf, October, 2009
  • J45 (Se yi chn) Male born to J14 (Samish), her third calf, February/March, 2009
  • J44 (Moby) Male born to J17 (Princess Angeline), her third calf, February, 2009
  • K42 (Kelp) Male born to K14 (Lea) her fourth calf, June, 2008
  • L110 (Midnight) Male born to L83 (Moonlight), her first calf, summer, 2007
  • J42 (Echo) Female born to J16 (Slick), her third calf, spring, 2007
  • L109 (Takoda) Male born to L55 (Nugget), her third calf, winter or spring, 2007
  • L108 (Coho) Male born to L54 (Ino), her second calf, June, 2006
  • J41 (Eclipse) Female born to J19 (Shachi), her second calf, July, 2005
  • L106 (Pooka) Male born to L86 (Surprise), her first calf, first seen June, 2005
  • K38 (Comet) Male born to K20 (Spock), her first calf, December, 2004
  • J40 (Suttles) Female born to J14 (Samish), her fourth calf, December, 2004
  • L105 (Fluke) Male born to L72 (Racer), her first calf, October, 2004
  • K37 (Rainshadow) Male born to K12 (Sequim), her fourth calf, January, 2004
  • K36 (Yoda) Female born to K14 (Lea), her fourth calf, September, 2003
  • L103 (Lapis) Female born to L55 (Nugget), her third calf, first seen June, 2003
  • J39 (Mako) Male born to J11 (Blossom), her fourth calf, Spring, 2003
  • J38 (Cookie) Male born to J22 (Oreo), her second calf, Spring, 2003
  • K35 (Sonata) Male born to K16 (Opus), her first calf, Fall, 2002
  • K34 (Cali) Male born to K13 (Skagit), her fourth calf, Oct./Nov. 2001
  • J37 (Hy’Shqa) Female born to J14 (Samish), her third calf, early Jan. 2001
  • K33 (Tika) Male born to K22 (Sekiu), her first calf, early Jan. 2001
  • J36 (Alki) Female born to J16 (Slick), her third calf, early 1999
  • J35 (Talequah) Female born to J17 (Princess Angeline), her second calf, 1998

Since 1998, 79 orca have gone missing/have died:

  • L41 (Mega) Male born 1977 to L11, missing January 28, 2020 (age 42)
  • L84 (Nyssa) Male born 1990 to L51, missing August 6, 2019 (age 29)
  • K25 (Scoter) Male born 1991 to K13, missing August 6, 2019 (age 28)
  • J17 (Princess Angeline) Female born 1977 to J5, her second calf, missing August 6, 2019 (age 42)
  • J50 (Scarlet) Female born December, 2014 to J16 (Slick), her fourth calf, missing Sept 13, 2018 (age 3)
  • L92 (Crewser) Male born 1995 to L60 (Rascal)(washed up on outer WA coast May 2002 at age 30), missing June, 2018 (age 23)
  • J52 (Sonic) Male born late March, 2015 to J36 (Alki), declared missing Sept. 2017 (age 2)
  • K13 (Skagit) Female born est. 1972 (mother unknown), missing Winter, 2017 (age 45)
  • J2 (Granny) Female born approx. 1911, missing Jan. 2017 (age est. 105)
  • J34 (Doublestuf), Male born to J22 (Oreo), her first calf, born 1998, found deceased Dec. 20, 2016 (age 18)
  • J54 (Dipper) Male born to J28 (Polaris) in December, 2015, her second calf, missing Oct. 2016 (age 10 months)
  • J28 (Polaris) Female born to J17 (Princess Angeline) in 1993, her first calf, missing Oct. 2016 (age 23)
  • J14 (Samish) Female born 1974 to J12, missing August, 2016 (age 42)
  • L95 (Nigel) Male born 1996 to L43 (Jellyroll), found deceased March 30, 2016 (age 20)
  • J55 unk., born Jan., 2016 to either J14, J37 or J40, missing January 19, 2016 (newborn)
  • L27 (Ophelia) Female born 1965 (est.), mother unk., missing Summer, 2015 (age est. 50)
  • J32 (Rhapsody) Female born to J20, 1996; found deceased with fetus Dec. 4, 2014 (age 18)
  • L120 unk., born to L86, (Surprise!), her second calf, early Sept., 2014, missing Oct. 17, 2014 (age 1 mo.)
  • L53 (Lulu) Female born 1977 to L7 (Canuck), missing Summer, 2014 (age 37)
  • L100 (Indigo) Male born 2001 to L54 (Ino), missing Summer, 2014 (age 13)
  • J8 (Speiden) Female born est. 1933 to ?, missing Fall, 2013 (age est. 80)
  • L79 (Skana) Male born 1989 to L22 (Spirit), missing Summer, 2013 (age 24)
  • L26 (Baba) Female born est. 1956 to ?, missing Spring, 2013 (age est. 57)
  • L2 (Grace) Female born est. 1960 to ?, missing Fall, 2012 (age est. 52)
  • L78 (Gaia) Male born 1989 to L2 (Grace), missing Summer, 2012 (age 23)
  • K40 (Raggedy) Female born est. 1963 to suspected K18 (Kiska), missing Spring, 2012 (age est. 49)
  • L5 (Tanya) Female born est. 1964 to ?, missing Spring, 2012 (age est. 48)
  • L12 (Alexis) Female born est. 1933 to ?, missing Spring, 2012 (age est. 79)
  • J30 (Riptide) Male born to to J14 (Samish), missing 2012 (age 16)
  • L112 (Victoria/Sooke) Female born to L86, Feb. 2009; found deceased Feb. 11, 2012 on shoreline of Long Beach, WA (age 3)
  • J48 unk., born Dec. 2011 to J16 Slick her fifth calf, missing Jan. 2012 (age 1 month)
  • J1 male (Ruffles) born est. 1951, missing Nov. 2010 (age est. 59)
  • L7 (Canuck) Female born +/- 1961; missing Sept. 2010 (age est. 49)
  • J33 (Keet) Male born 1996 to J16 (Slick), missing August 2010 (age 14)
  • K11 (Georgia) Female born est. 1933; missing June 2010 (age est. 77)
  • L114 unk., born to L77 (Matia) her second calf, missing June 2010, (age 4 months)
  • L73 (Flash) Male born 1986 to L5 (Tanya), missing May 2010 (age 24)
  • L74 (Saanich) Male born 1986 to L3 (Oreana), missing late 2009/early 2010 (age 23)
  • L57 (Faith) Male born 1977 to L45 (Asterix), missing Nov. 2008 (age 31)
  • L67 (Splash) Female born 1985 to L2 (Grace), missing Sept. 2008 (age 23)
  • L111 Female born to L47 (Marina) her fifth calf Aug. 12, 2008, missing late Aug. 2008 (age <1 mo)
  • J11 (Blossom) Female born +/- 1972 est. to J4 missing July 2008 (age est. 36)
  • L21 (Ankh) Female born +/- 1950; missing summer 2008 (age est. 58)
  • L101 (Aurora) Male born 2002 to L67 (Splash), her fourth calf; missing summer 2008 (age 6)
  • K7 (Lummi) Female born +/- 1910, missing spring, 2008. (age est. 98)
  • J43 unk., born to J14 (Samish), her fifth calf, in 11/07; missing April 2008 (age 5 months)
  • L104 unk., born Oct. 2004 to L43 (Jelly Roll) her third calf, missing June 2007 (age 2)
  • K41 unk., born Nov. 2006 to K22 (Sekiu), her second calf, missing Dec. 2006 (age 4 months)
  • K39 unk., born Sept. 2006 to K28 (Raven) her first calf, missing Oct. 21, 2006 (age 4 months)
  • K28 (Raven) Female born to K12 (Sequim), last seen Sept. 19, 2006 (age 12)
  • L43 (Jellyroll) Female born ca. 1972, last seen Sept. 2, 2006, (age est. 34)
  • L71 (Hugo) Male born to L26 (Baba), missing summer 2006 (age 20)
  • L98 (Luna) Male born 1999 to L67 (Splash) died, March 10, 2006 in Nootka Sound, BC after being separated from pod at 18 months old (age 7)
  • K31 (Tatoosh) Male born 1999 to K12 (Sequim) her third calf, missing Oct. 2006 (age 7)
  • L32 (Olympia) Female born est. 1955, missing summer 2005 (age est. 50)
  • L107 unk., born to L47 (Marina) June, 2005, her fifth calf, missing summer 2005 (infant)
  • K18 (Kiska) Female born +/-1948, missing December, 2003 (age est. 55)
  • L58 (Sparky) born 1980 to L5 (Tanya), missing June 2003 (age 23)
  • L3 (Oreana) Female born +/-1950, missing 2002 (age est. 53)
  • L102 unk. born to L47 (Marina), her fourth calf, missing Dec. 3, 2002 (age 1 month)
  • L60 (Rascal) Female born 1972, washed up on outer WA coast May 2002 (age 30)
  • K32 born 2000 to K16 (Opus), last seen 2001 (infant)
  • L99 unk. born 2000, to L47 (Marina), last seen 2001 (infant)
  • L62 (Cetus) Male born 1980 to L27 (Ophelia), last seen 2000 (age 20)
  • L39 (Orcan) Male, born 1975 to L2 (Grace), last seen 2000 (age 25)
  • L11 (Squirty) Female born 1957, last seen 2000 (age 43)
  • L1 (Oskar) Male born est. 1959, last seen 2000 (age est. 41)
  • J18 (Everett) Male born 1977 to J10 (Tahoma), found deceased at Tsawassen, Canada March 2000 (age 23)
  • J10 (Tahoma) Female born est. 1962, last seen 1999 (age est. 37)
  • K4 (Morgan) Female born est. 1933, last seen 1999 (age est. 66)
  • L97 unk. born 1999 to L51 (Nootka), died Oct. 1999 (infant)
  • L51 (Nootka) Female born 1973, found deceased at Race Rocks, Canada in Sept 1999 (age 26)
  • J11’s calf, unk. born to J11 (Blossom) 1998, died Dec. 1998 (infant)
  • L93 (Nerka) Female born 1995 to L27 (Ophelia), last seen 1998 (age 3)
  • L38 (Dylan) Male born est. 1965, last seen 1998 (age est. 33)
  • L44 (Leo) Male born 1974 to L32 (Olympia), last seen 1998 (age 24)
  • K3 (Sounder) Female born est. 1954, last seen 1998 (age est. 44)
  • J20 (Ewok) Female born 1981 to J10 (Tahoma), last seen 1998 (age 17)
  • J6 (Ralph) Male born 1956 (est.) mother unknown, last seen 1998 (age 42)

[Editor Note: Totally apropos to almost NONE of this, I also came across this tidbit that ties your totem animal to your birth sign.]


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