Saturday, Feb. 11, 10-2, to be held at the West Sound Community Hall on Deer Harbor Rd.

Ryan and Zion Smith at the Fidelis Flea Market. Margot Shaw photograph.

By Margot Shaw

The Fidelis Circle Women’s group is offering  the Island its third annual Fidelis Flea Market,coming right up this Saturday, Feb. 11.

This event has become much anticipated, both from vendors and shoppers alike. There will be a great variety of items for sale, some old, some new, some borrowed (well, maybe not), some blue.

Look also for hand crafted goods, yummy baked goods and that something one always looks for at flea markets. Larger items will be advertised on the Flea Market bulletin board.

Again, Christina Orchid will offer a creative, delicious lunch for hungry shoppers.

Proceeds from the table rental and Christina’s lunch go toward the annual Graduation Recognition Awards the Fidelis group gives out to graduating seniors living in the West Sound area.

This is a fitting designation for these funds, for the Fidelis Circle, originally called The Mothers Club, was founded in December, 1915. The object of the club was “the betterment and benefit of the school, to bring us closer together, in a common interest”.

They were talking about the “new” West Sound school, which is now a private home.  Efforts went toward understanding the school laws and practices, buying a heating furnace, and providing new school desks. Not too different from today’s PTA groups!

The Flea Market organizers hope to see the whole island between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 11th. No Early Birds!