— from Diane Martindale —

5. Immersion 11_Adjusted_2000Upper Spring Street in Friday Harbor has been enlivened by an exhibition of the life-sized ceramic sculptures by the internationally recognized artist Kathy Venter. Driving or walking by the San Juan Islands Museum of Art (IMA) you can’t help noticing the suspended figures floating in the glass atrium as if underwater.

IMA is pleased to present an Art As A Voice talk by the renowned ceramic artist from Salt Spring Island, BC. The talk, Kathy Venter: Life-Sizes Ceramic Sculpture is on Wednesday, November 4 at 7:30 p.m. at the San Juan Community Theatre. This talk is provided conjunction with the exhibition Kathy Venter: Immersion Series.

The public and art community are invited to enjoy this discussion and slide presentation where Venter will reveal her virtuosic process and provide a fascinating glimpse into her artistic vision. Venter’s sculptures connect with universal themes of the human spirit, evoke ancient times and challenge our notion of figurative traditions.

Of this exhibition the artist comments, “In the Immersion Series … the sculptures are made from studies of my models underwater. Water refers to another dimension, an altered state of consciousness – the spiritual.”

“Suspended by cables in space, the sculptures are experienced by the viewer from all angles – including underneath – freeing the work from its traditional pedestal, form, mass and weight.”

Commenting on her work, curator John K. Grande writes, “Her dialogues are with time, with her own femininity, with community, with intercultural understanding. The exhibition will reward viewers and audiences for the open, dynamic serenity of her sculptures. They address our place in a broader universe with equanimity, humility and dignity.”

Venter’s work will be on display in the Atrium Gallery until December 14, 2015. Her work is in numerous permanent collections and has been shown in exhibitions and galleries all over the world, including the USA, South Africa, Great Britain, Canada and the Czech Republic.

The Art As A Voice events are offered by IMA to enhance the educational experience of the arts in San Juan County and are open to residents, artists, students and visitors. This talk is sponsored by the Lester M. and Bernice Smith Foundation.

General admission is $16, IMA members pay $13 and student tickets are $8. Tickets are available at IMA (360-370-5050) and the San Juan Community Theatre at 100 Second Street in Friday Harbor. (360-378-3210).

The exhibitions Michael Dailey: Early Dawn To Late Twilight, and Joe Miller: Unlike Earth are also on display at IMA and are open Friday through Monday, 11-5 until November 9, 2015.