By Stephen Bentley, Chair, Senior Services Advisory Committee

These are exciting times at the Orcas Island Senior Center.

On a recent Monday morning a class of aspiring writers gathered to share their work in the new “lounge” while a second group was arranging a display of their paintings and drawings in the Lundeen Room.  The artists felt pressed for time because the lights were about to be turned down; an audience had formed and the weekly movie was scheduled to begin.  This was occurring while a collection of men gathered to discuss forming a model railroading club.

Joyce Rupp, San Juan County’s Senior Service’s Manager and Marla Johns, Orcas Island’s Senior Services Coordinator have joined forces with the Orcas Island Senior Advisory Committee to address the needs and concerns of island seniors.  Many community members have noticed a revival of activities at the Senior Center.

Afternoon teas, pot-lucks, and breakfasts now supplement the traditional twice weekly Senior Lunches.  Hearts and Hands, therapeutic foot care, and the Lion’s Club sponsored mobility equipment program are all expanding.  A new wheelchair accessible bus will soon improve the Center’s transportation services.  Additional fitness classes and new enrichment activities of all kinds seem to begin each week.

We are currently evaluating a broadening of our services.  Current initiatives include more home delivered meals (Meals on Wheels), respite care to assist families and adult caregivers in the community and collaborations with other senior oriented programs like the Lahari lead home safety program.

These are indeed exciting times at the Senior Center!

There are of course challenges brought on by all these activities.  We need additional volunteers; our operation is dependent upon generous contributions of time, talent and kindheartedness of community members.  We are also actively recruiting Advisory Committee members.  This committee and its sub-committees are essential to maintaining the Senior Center, initiating programs, funding activities and charting our future.

Please stop by or call 376-2677 if you would like to learn more about the Orcas Island Senior Center’s activities, volunteer to help or to serve on a committee.