— by Lin McNulty, Managing Editor —

I’m fighting the urge to sign in to Facebook just one more time today, even though it’s been less than 24 hours since I “deleted” my account. I want to see if anybody notices I am gone from the beleaguered social media platform. Will my cousin in Massachusetts, my aunt in California, my daughter in New York, my brother in Yakima, or my local friend here in Raccoon Hollow wonder where my brilliant sarcasm has gone? How will I keep up, now, with their lives?

After watching an interview last night with Cambridge Analytica founder Christopher Wylie, now being referred to as a “whistleblower,” in which he outlines the London-based company’s data harvesting tactics that were utilized to mine and exploit the Facebook accounts of tens of millions of Americans, I went to Facebook (hopefully one last time) to jump through hoops to eliminate my online account. And there is no assurance whatsoever that the data that is me will actually be expunged.

That “cute, little” personality quiz I took on Facebook that would reveal what dog breed I am most like, my favorite movie, what movie star I most look like, or any number of seemingly innocent forays into my psyche are exactly the tactics used by Cambridge Analytica. And, here’s the rub, they could then access profiles on every Facebook friend I had.

Not wanting to be among the manipulated millions, I took the leap. And I must admit I am going through a bit of withdrawal. But I must remember that I spent the majority of my life without Facebook and seem to have been just fine; I made it this far.

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