— by Lin McNulty, Managing Editor —
I’m fighting the urge to sign in to Facebook just one more time today, even though it’s been less than 24 hours since I “deleted” my account. I want to see if anybody notices I am gone from the beleaguered social media platform. Will my cousin in Massachusetts, my aunt in California, my daughter in New York, my brother in Yakima, or my local friend here in Raccoon Hollow wonder where my brilliant sarcasm has gone? How will I keep up, now, with their lives?
After watching an interview last night with Cambridge Analytica founder Christopher Wylie, now being referred to as a “whistleblower,” in which he outlines the London-based company’s data harvesting tactics that were utilized to mine and exploit the Facebook accounts of tens of millions of Americans, I went to Facebook (hopefully one last time) to jump through hoops to eliminate my online account. And there is no assurance whatsoever that the data that is me will actually be expunged.
That “cute, little” personality quiz I took on Facebook that would reveal what dog breed I am most like, my favorite movie, what movie star I most look like, or any number of seemingly innocent forays into my psyche are exactly the tactics used by Cambridge Analytica. And, here’s the rub, they could then access profiles on every Facebook friend I had.
Not wanting to be among the manipulated millions, I took the leap. And I must admit I am going through a bit of withdrawal. But I must remember that I spent the majority of my life without Facebook and seem to have been just fine; I made it this far.
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Good for you Lin! I am about to do the same thing and have gone through the same thing you’re going through regarding relatives in Maryland, Colorado, Arizona, here in Washington, etc. But, it’s time. And look at all of the additional time we’ll have to do other things! lol!! Seriously, this crap has gone way too far and I’m sick of it.
Good for you, cousin (in CA). I’ve deleted my account before and been back on in a week. Stay strong..
Posted one final post and deactivated my account! Feel better already!!!
Proud of you both. I followed instructions (from a reliable source) to lock Facebook abusers like Cambridge out of my business but cutting it off altogether will be difficult because I’m now in touch with so many old friends and family who are at a distance. Perhaps a better platform will arise from this.
I understand it’s been hacked..that personal profiles have been built and bridged, but I never wrote anything I wouldn’t publish on the front page. I’m not sure how my life or my friends’ lives have been compromised. Anyone that wants to explain it to me, go ahead.
As Lin’s cousin in MA, I’m excited to be mentioned on Orcas! But seriously, you’re absolutely doing the right thing. I’m proud of you, but I miss you already! I’ve recently gotten back in touch with some high school friends on FB, and I love it for that. I’m not sure I have the strength to join you. Wish I did. You’ll have so much more time now. What’ll you do with it? Perhaps we can have an email round robin or GASP! write letters…
Good for you, Lin. I’m not following suit, too many far-flung friends I may never see again for me to give up FB, but I’m not surprised at the backlash, it’s overdue and well-deserved. I always suspected those quizzes were stealing something from me, my email address book or worse, so I usually resist the urge to be profiled. I learned early in my career to never put anything in an email or post that I’d regret, and have tried to follow that rule.
Hopefully this will stop some of the over-sharing Facebook has enabled, I for one will welcome the space in my inbox.
It’s time to dust off our email listservs and old-fashioned telephone lists. Gasp!
Did you naysayers forget that the world is changing? Until the Nazis take over and I have to be fearful of the SS, I don’t really care who knows about my posts/preferences.
Dan, are you serious??? Even when they use your information to sway a presidential election!!! Yes, the world is changing but we don’t have to accept everything thrown at us. It is up to us to manage the change….
Put together a list of everyone you want to stay in touch with and inform them you will use email henceforth. Remember the old rule, never send something you don’t want the whole world to know. Email is quick and easy. Use cc or bcc to fine tune who gets what or have separate lists. Privacy is precious: protect it or lose it.
Never joined FB and my life is rich, full of friends and family, and yes we call each other or even resort to that antiquated form of communication-e-mail! And I agree, letter writing is a real treat for both the writer and the recipient. I use my fountain pen for those notes. Remember the excitement when we were children and received a letter in the mail. Make a kid happy-send them a real letter. You might even slip a new crisp dollar bill inside. FB can’t do that!
Merry, I have very little information on my profile, never filled out a questionnaire. It’s pretty obvious that I was and am a Bernie voter/supporter, but maybe you can explain to me what the Russians are going to do with that? And good luck at managing how the world changes!
I never joined FB either, figuring what Mark Zuckerberg could do with my data and not pay me for using or selling it. Besides, I was already spending way too much time sitting idly at my desk or in an armchair staring at a computer screen, and didn’t need to add another hour or two that being “on FB” would require. I’d much rather spend that time outdoors hiking our beautiful parks or kayaking our pristine waters, breathing the pure air that Orcas Island offers.
Anyone who wants to learn more about what’s being done with our personal information should read the book “Data and Goliath,” available at the library.
Michael, in “Data and Goliath” it states, “We have traded privacy for convenience.” How true, but who cares? I lived on Lopez for thirty years, a small, close community where privacy is a joke! People there still love it, though.
One way to avoid the hacking of your friends’ profiles, even if you don’t care who hacks your own, is to NEVER agree to take any quiz or post anything from an outside source where as part of the “agreement,” you agree to expose all of your friends’ profiles to their data mining. SIMPLE. so just STOP taking those dumb@ss quizzes and do something more valuable with your time – like contacting far-flung friend, or calling a local friend and setting up a face to face meeting over tea, calling a family member, even writing a letter!
I guess we’ll all be receiving more Christmas cards this year. I like that idea.