Register now – Early Bird $10 off before June 21, Summer Solstice

Tuesday, July 2, 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

— from Susannah Weaver for Orcas Food Co-op —

Join us for this special hands-on learning opportunity — an annual tradition in a new location.

Venture into the Wild…with Kristy Bredin, Herbalist and Learner Limbach, Seaweed Aficionado.

Seaweeds have traditionally been important plants for food and healing among coastal people throughout the world and are a rich source of diverse nutrients uncommonly available in land plants.

This three-hour in-the-field adventure will cover:

  • types of local seaweeds
  • optimal harvest times
  • sustainable harvesting
  • drying techniques
  • healing properties
  • iodine and thyroid health
  • external uses of seaweeds
  • pollution issues

Participants will take home a jar of kelp pickles we will make in class.

  • Stop by the Co-op or visit Eventbrite at BIT.LY/SEAWEEDCLASS to register. Early Bird Price $45
  • Early Bird Registration – Ends June 21st!
  • $5 Additional Discount for Orcas Food Co-op Members

For more information, visit or email Class will be held on the northeast side of Orcas. There is a steep hike down to the beach. Carpooling will be arranged to the class location.