— by Ed Sutton —

Friday, Oct. 30 Update —

Editor’s Note: Jan Koltun and Mike Schifsky were the top competitors in the “Island History” quiz and though they were close, Koltun pulled ahead and was decided the winner of this historical quiz, created by Ed Sutton.
Winning prize to Island History quiz

The prize, in keeping with the nature of the contest and the season, is a vintage copy of the “Classics Illustrated” comic book, “The Headless Horseman” and “Rip Van Winkle” by Washington Irving.

Congratulations Jan and thank you all for playing this history game with us!

And today’s good news/bad news for those who “failed” the quiz — the ferries aren’t running this morning and the system isn’t taking reservations, so a general amnesty from the penalty is hereby issued

Please read to the last COMMENT, as of noon on Weds. Oct. 28, for Ed Sutton’s answers to this quiz.

As the years have passed, and the Island has become more crowded with “those newcomers”, Islanders who have called Orcas home for many, many years have asked how we might return to the “good old days” before ferry reservations, traffic congestion in Eastsound, and no parking spaces in the village.

So, after considerable reflection and contemplation, it has been decided that to remain on Orcas Island, you must prove that you are, indeed, an Islander, and to accomplish that, you must past the test which follows below. Unless you can answer eight of these questions, you will need to pack your bags and return to that place from whence you came! So, here we go!

1. What was the name of Roger Purdue’s wife?
2. Who dug ‘the ditch?’
3. Name the Orcas family that has recorded daily weather data on the island for over 100 years.
4. What were the first names of the ladies who owned the old Bungalow Cafe, and what was their prior profession?
5. Name the six families whose cabins are part of the Historical Museum.
6. What were the Whales, Clams, Crabs, and Dolphins?
7. Name the former County Commissioner who was the half-sister of a WA State Governor, and what was their father’s name?
8. Who played checkers with Henry Lohman at Doty”s A-1 Cafe?
9. What was the name of the brother of Harriet Miller’s first husband?
10. What was the name of the “boat” that Robert Moran built in Seattle before moving to Orcas?

Well, there you have it! If you have answered eight of the above questions successfully, you are probably a genuine Islander and can remain on the Island until we dream up another quiz. If you did not pass this test, then we will be pleased to make ferry reservation for you, eastbound, one-way! (just kidding)

P.S. We’ll post the answers next week. This quiz is open book, so comments (and guesses) are allowed! We’ll give away a  Legacy “Classics Illustrated” Halloween Comic Book to the winner — in case of a tie, a drawing will be held at date and place to be announced.