Wednesday, June 13, 4 – 5:30 p.m., Deer Harbor Fire Station

— from Anne Marie Shanks —

The Deer Harbor Plan Review Committee (DHPRC) will meet on Wednesday, June 13, at the Deer Harbor Fire Station #24 from 4 to 5:30 p.m. to address the following agenda:

1. Chair: Call to order, establish quorum, approve minutes of 2/14/18 meeting (no meetings in March, April or May-lack of quorum)

2. Chair: Recognize public attendees. Members of the public are invited to participate in committee discussions. Chair will recognize speakers.

3. Old Business/ Committee Updates:

  1. Pathways- Start date of phase 1 and phase 2 of the pathways, review of Administrative Hearing- Jeff Sharp
  2. Bridge- Timeline for soil and materials-Jeff Sharp
  3. Upper Deer Harbor Road Improvement timeline and start date- Jeff Sharp
  4. Date for the installation of the promised speed “turtles” at the intersection of the DH Rd. and Jack and Jill Lane.
  5. Date when the second electronic speed sign might be installed, and the existing one fixed or moved

4. New Business:

  1. Release of water to the Deer Harbor Estuary
  2. SJC Council passage of REET ballot measure
  3. Potential members DHPRC

5. Public Comment

Questions, Comments or Concerns please contact Colin Maycock – 360-370 7573 or Wes Heinmiller – 949-300-8888

Details of the Deer Harbor Plan and related matters can be found on the web site of the San County Department of Development and Planning.

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