Thursday – Sunday, March 21-24, Rosario Resort

— from Jan Lynn for Imagine Convergence —

Within the heart of the Salish Sea, there is a convergence of Changemakers and Bridgebuilders who connect to innovate, nurture, navigate, and create the foundations for a new paradigm.  This is “IMAGINE CONVERGENCE” on Orcas Island.

The Imagine Convergence is a gathering of changemakers, intellectuals, innovators and cultural creatives to explore cross-disciplinary solutions to these global complexities. Together we are weaving narratives for a future paradigm. The mission of the Imagine Convergence is to nourish the holistic evolution of society by showcasing emerging ideas and stewarding networks of awareness. Through the connection of participants and presenters we are weaving stories to inspire transformation in our daily lives and the world at large.

Core Outputs:

  • Pre & post-conference virtual engagement opportunities
  • Deep networking among participants, presenters and public
  • Keynote panels & presentations by cutting edge cultural experts
  • Experiential breakout workshops & peer-led open space sessions. 

