From County Auditor Milene Henley

San Juan County Auditor Milene Henley has announced the publication of an annual financial report for the County for fiscal year 2011. The County has always prepared an annual report for the State Auditor. That report consists of a number of statistical “schedules,” many of which are rather arcane and not particularly user-friendly. Henley’s new format Annual Report is designed to look more like a corporate annual report. In addition to most of the schedules submitted to the State Auditor, it includes some bonus reports of interest, as well as background on the County, its officers, and significant recent events.

Average Annual Unemployment SJ County (from WA State Employment Security Department)

2007      3.45%
2008      3.74%
2009      6.73%
2010      7.33%
2011       7.18%

Among the reports included in the Annual Report are schedules and/or graphs on sources and uses of cash, long-term debt, state and federal grants, building permits issued, unemployment rates (see accompanying chart), and total County cash.

The report is available online at You can navigate to this site by going to the Auditor’s home page on the County website, selecting “Auditor’s Quarterly Reports” from the left-side navigation bar, and clicking on “San Juan County Annual Report for Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2011.” Comb-bound printed copies of the report are available at the Auditor’s Office for $10.