Island Stewards to host pre-hearing Q&A Sunday, March 7 at 4 pm. via ZOOM


Please Take Action!

2nd Public Hearing 9 March 2021

Opposition to Moratorium Grows!

San Juan County (SJC) Council will be continuing an on-line public hearing to discuss whether the moratorium on the issuance of Vacation Rental Permits should be maintained or abandoned.

Action Items:

Got Questions? Get them answered this Sunday afternoon at 4pm:

Read the 5 March announcement regarding this hearing by the Vacation Rental Working Group.
(Considerable opposition to the moratorium unexpectedly emerged at the 23 Feb hearing: most opposition is from San Juan Island.)

Read a summary of the hearing

If the Moratorium is to pass, Your Voice is Needed Now

How To Participate in this hearing:
(SJC announcement re 23 feb hearing)

Write to
Subject: Enact VR Moratorium
Be polite. Tell your story. State your feelings.


To call in on the day, we recommend not participating in the Microsoft Teams; it is best to call in by phone.
(360) 726-3293 — Conference ID 605671648#

If you call, when it is your turn to speak, the last 4 digits of your phone number will be announced. Press “*6” (star then 6) to unmute yourself. Introduce yourself, what island you’re from, and why the moratorium is important to you. Out of respect for the Council and other speakers, please  stay within the 3 minute time limit.

(need ideas for what to say? see the comments that other signers have left)

A new group entitled Hosting on the Rock opposes the moratorium. Read their outreach


Visit for a comprehensive explanation of the public concern about overtourism and the negative impacts of Vacation Rentals in the County.

Since summer 2019, over 3000 individuals have signed a petition to request a moratorium on the issuance of new Vacation Rental Permits.